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Skip to Main ContentAbstract: In this program, Michele Harway explores violence in marriages and examines Lenore Walker’s cycle of violence. Harway explains how to assess a client who is currently in an abusive situation in an initial interview.
Subject(s): Relationship violence; Family violence; Child abuse; Battered women
Keyword(s): Counseling & Therapy; Psychology & Counseling; Health Sciences; Marriage and Family Counseling
Abstract: Professor Nicole Westmarland discusses her research methods and findings in a relatively unstudied area of domestic violence. Utilizing extensive research with many different stakeholders, she is trying to identify whether domestic abusers improve their behavior after commencing therapy.
Subject(s): Domestic Violence, Rehabilitation
Keywords: abuse; abuse and violence in relationships; abused spouse profiles; abused women; abused women remaining in relationships; behavior adaptation; behavior adjustment; behavior change; behavior control; behavior modification; change detection; child abuse; child abuse: physical; communication challenges; criminology; criticism in relationships; data collection; daughters; domestic violence; domination; email; ethnographic research; family relationships in childhood; father child relations; fatherhood; freedom; funding; gender; gender and authority; gender and behavior; gender role theory; gender roles; harassment; interviews; letter writing; masculinity; masculinity, anger, and violence; methodology; mixing qualitative and quantitative data; parent child relations; parent education; participation (research); patriarchy; pilot studies; pornography; qualitative analysis; qualitative evaluation; quality of life; quantitative and qualitative aspects of change; quantitative content analysis; quantitative data analysis; research; research funding; Safety; Self-assessment; Self-awareness; Sexual abuse; Sexual abuse and harassment; Sons; Success; Support groups; transcripts; victims