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COVID-19 Resource Guide: Home

This guide is for advocates (direct and indirect) looking for resources during the COVID-19 outbreak.

What We Know

The World Health Organization (WHO) has identified that COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease) is an infectious disease caused by the coronavirus. The virus largely affects the respiratory system. It is mainly spread via air born saliva or nose discharge droplets when individuals cough or sneeze and are not practicing appropriate etiquette. It is recommended that individuals should cough or sneeze into flexed elbows, not touch their faces, and wash their hands often (or utilize an alcohol-based rub when unavailable). 

World Health Organization. 2020. Coronavirus. World Health Organization. https://www.who.int/health-topics/coronavirus#tab=tab_

NYT United States COVID Map and Trends

NYT Michigan COVID Map and Case Count

CDC COVID-19 Data Tracker


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